How to eat breakfast without stepping on the blood sugar rollercoaster

Beth Edwards Nutrition | London Nutritionist | Breakfast Blog Post | Blood Sugar Balancing | Overnight Oats Recipe

Despite eating breakfast, do your energy levels ever crash at 11am and you feel hungry again? Despite your best breakfast efforts, you just don’t feel like you’re ‘doing it right’?

I get it – it’s frustrating that you’ve fuelled up with breakfast, but then feel yourself reaching for the coffee and croissants mid-morning.

However, it doesn’t need to be this way. With a few simple tips and tricks, you’ll be able to create a breakfast that’s so nourishing, you won’t even be thinking of lunch until, well – lunchtime.

Yes, really!

I’ll share my number 1 top tip to keep blood sugars stable throughout the morning and finish up with a banging recipe to keep you fuller for longer.

The trio of glory (macros)  

Any meal, but breakfast especially, needs to contain the three macronutrients:

-       complex carbs (oats, berries)

-       protein (chia seeds, Greek yogurt)  

-       healthy fats (flaxseed, nut butters)

The reason why? Well when we eat carbohydrates with protein and/or fat, the breakdown of carbs – into glucose is slowed down.

This means that glucose is absorbed into your blood streams at a slower rate too, giving you a steady stream of energy throughout the morning.


The problem with Cheerios

The typical western breakfast is normally a carbohydrate-heavy breakfast, without any protein or fat – cereals with milk, toast with jam.

This means that the glucose from these carbohydrates is broken down super quickly and hits your bloodstream. This gives you an initial boost of energy, but this quickly wears off – hence the drop in blood sugars at 11am and the rising hangriness.   

Blood sugar loving overnight oats

I’m a massive of fan of oats. They’re a great source of complex carbohydrates and fibre and if you want more #oatporn, follow me over on Instagram for regular pictures and recipes.

This is my go-to overnight oats recipe. It’s packed with nutrients, blood sugar loving foods and tastes pretty darn good too.


-       1 cup of oats

-       2 cups of plant milk (I like oat by Rude Health)

-       Handful of frozen berries

-       1 tsp ground cinnamon

-       Half a banana

-       Dash of coconut oil

-       1 tbsp nut butter


1.    The night before, mix the oats, berries, milk and cinnamon in a bowl.

2.    In the morning, add the coconut oil to a pan and gently fry off the banana until golden brown (approx. 3 mins on each side).

3.    Top on to the oats with the nut butter.

4.    Enjoy!

Ta da!

So there we go. My golden tip for eating breakfast like a queen, preventing that blood sugar rollercoaster and keeping you powered up ‘til lunchtime.

Meaning: more productivity in your morning and fewer growling tummies!

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