What to expect

Nutritional science is not just about what we eat (spoiler alert). It aims to find the root cause of dysfunction, rather than simply deal with symptoms. This means we must sacrifice the idea of ‘quick fixes’ when it comes to using nutrition to support health. This explains why my packages run over weeks to months.

Before we meet

You’ll fill in a comprehensive health questionnaire and a 3-day food and lifestyle diary. This information will give me a thorough grounding in your past and present medical history and allow both of us to target your goals and specific nutrition needs.

Each consultation

Consultations run for 60 minutes. This will be our chance to discuss your health and presenting challenges. At our first session, we’ll cover a range of areas in detail, including but not limited to: your medical history, any diagnosed illnesses, your stress levels, how much you exercise, your sleeping patterns and any supplements, medications or herbal remedies you currently take or have done in the past.  

After the first appointment, you’ll be emailed your tailored nutrition and lifestyle plan. This will be completely bespoke to you and your individual needs. I may also include recipes, shopping lists and further resources (podcasts, websites, support groups).

After you’ve implemented your plan for a few weeks, we’ll meet for our next 60 minute session. The number of sessions you have is dependent on your package. This is when we can review how you’re doing, see what worked and what didn’t from the plan and make any necessary adjustments. Any changes will be amended on the plan and a revised copy will be sent out via email.


Food always comes first, but there may be some instances in which your health and wellbeing could benefit from supplementation. We will discuss a range of options, work within your budget and find the right option for you (when necessary).

Functional testing

To provide a clearer picture of what may be going on, functional testing might be recommended. These tests can help to build a picture of your symptoms and current health status but are not a means of diagnosis. Some tests are available free via your GP and these options would always be considered first.

In the case of paid testing, this would be an additional cost on top of your package.

Cancellation policy

Please note, all appointments need to be paid for in advance. All appointment cancellations must be completed 24 hours in advance. If required notice isn’t provided, the full cost of your appointment will be payable.