On why you should always eat the chips

Beth Edwards Nutrition | Online Nutritionist | Intuitive Eating | The Importance Of Balance | Eating Chips In Bruges

On why you should always eat the chips

Oh hai pals! Here I am filling my chops with the most delicious frites + mayo in Bruges.

Did I think twice about eating these? No
Would I have done 8 years ago? Yes
This is progress - it's about finding balance. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

My relationship with nutrition used to be all about:
- clean eating
- cauliflower rice
- spiralised everything
Now I'm all about moderation, fuelling my body with nutritionally-rich food AND soulful food. What can I say? I'm greedy for both. I want food that puts a fire in my belly. The raw food diet just doesn't do that for me.

So, all praise balance! Yippee for creating your own food stories! Let's celebrate going beyond nutritional values -because enjoying food is so much more than that. Eating scolding chips in Bruges' main square with the sun on my face and a chill in the air is *part* of the holiday. It makes up the rich tapestry of a weekend away enjoying a new culture.

There is no way I'm going to deny myself of that. Nor should you.

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Find out more about my clinic work here, and book a free call here. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

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