What is my pragmatic approach to life with type 1 diabetes?


Why do I choose pragmatism above all else when it comes to managing T1D?

I'm in the business of pragmatic approaches to life with T1D.

What does this mean?

Well, there is zero point me giving you advice or guidance that's unattainable, stress-inducing or makes you want to cry. Do you agree?

I'm not in the business of chasing 100% TIR (it's not necessary & it's too all-encompassing). What I'm keen to help you find is balance *most of the time* and a healthy acknowledgement that we can't always 'get it right' with T1D.

If I can help you establish where is best to place your energy and focus, and let go of the rest, I think we're on to a winner.

Life with T1D is already complicated enough. I don't want to add food and lifestyle stress to your overflowing plate. Of course I'll push you if you need that, but I'll never ask you to do something that feels faddy or unsustainable. I create recommendations that are person-centred and 100% bespoke to you, your diabetes and whatever is going on with your life. It's the gentle approach from me.

And if something isn't working, we change it. See? Pragmatic.

What is your approach to your T1D? Pragmatic, or would you pick another word? Let me know below!