Posts tagged nutrition
{Interview} Alex Durussel-Baker, Creator of Diabetes by Design

Meet Alex Durussel-Baker, 36-year-old creator and designer living in Edinburgh with her husband Jerome, 2-year-old son Rowan, and fluffy dog Bacchus. She runs a design studio called Korero Studio and is the founder of Diabetes By Design, a diabetes education and awareness platform that provides mental and emotional support for people living with and alongside T1D.

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Easy ways to boost your insulin sensitivity that you can implement today

Why is it important for anyone with T1D to view their management through the lens of insulin sensitivity? Well, the goal is for us to keep blood glucose levels within a target range without losing our sanity (restriction is not the answer). A great way to manage blood glucose is to work on something called insulin sensitivity…

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5 clever tricks to eat well whilst home-working

As you read this, it’s very likely you’re staying at home, self-isolating and in full lockdown mode. Along with the massive shift in how we work, how we relate and how we communicate (virtual Hinge date, anyone?), how we eat has had to change too. For most of us, we’ll be consuming all three meals at home.

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